Friday, July 3, 2009

TAP NHAM: Viet thu choi thoi

Toi muon biet them nhieu ve con nguoi cua anh. Mot ke chi biet co cuoc song tran ngap trong cong viec. Mot ke chi biet hang ngay vui dau vao nhung con so tinh toan den dien dau va nhung chuyen cong tac xa dai ngay met moi. Anh song 1 cuoc doi that ban ron va cang thang.
Tam hon cua anh nguoc lai khong bao gio phai lam viec mot cach ban ron nhu dau oc cua chinh anh. No khong bao gio chiu nhieu xao tron trong vong tuan hoan hang ngay cua anh. Trai tim lang le dap trong long nguc, co don va trong trai. Hien huu song song cung con nguoi cua anh nhung chua 1 lan khang dinh duoc su ton tai cua no.
Toi nhin anh lao vao cong viec, gianh het toan bo IQ cua minh cho cong ty. Toi nhin anh lang le di di ve ve sau nhung lan cong tac. Guong mat o tuoi 26 trong gia dan hon do tuoi cua chinh minh. Dang nguoi cao lon nhung van phang phat net co doc. Am giong rat am nhung loi noi lai vo cung khach sao va xa la. Doi mat nau tu nhien nhung co gi do buon va lac long.
Anh lanh lung trong chinh su lang le cua minh.
Toi biet anh qua 1 to giay tuyen viec lam. Anh can 1 nguoi hang tuan 5 ngay den cham nom nha cua anh. Toi cam thay day la 1 cong viec cung khong te va luong tra cung kha. Vi vay ma toi da dang ki phong van ngay ma khong do du.
Cam trong tay nhung thong tin chung chung ve nguoi chu nha, toi den can ho cua anh de bat dau ngay lam thu dau tien. Can nha to va rong. Phong khach duoc bai try het suc don gian nhung rat co phong cach.Co 1 so khung hinh nho de ben chiec ban nho. Toi doan la cua nguoi chu can nha. Trong anh ta van con tre nhung khuon mat co ve rat nghiem khac va mieng thi khong thay nu cuoi gi ca. Nha bep sach bong nhu chua bao gio duoc su dung toi (that su thi no cung chua 1 lan duoc tro nen huu ich cho chu nhan cua no). Tren chiec tu lanh to gap 3 lan so voi cai cua toi o nha, 1 list nhung gi chu nha yeu cau toi lam va khong nen lam:
"Duoc phep lau don phong khach va nha bep.
Khong can don dep phong ngu
Khong bao gio duoc cham toi phong lam viec rieng o lau 1
Toilet va phong tam rieng chi can lau don sach se chu khong can sap xep lai.
Co the su dung toan bo dung cu lau chui, don dep trong nha de hoan thanh cong viec.
Cham soc 2 chau cay bonsai trong nha.
Dan Ted di dao va cho no an.
Neu can bat cu dieu gi co the trao doi voi chu nha (cu de lai text cho toi)
cam on co"
Toi bat dau cong viec ngay sau do. Co 1 dieu khien toi thac mac la Ted. Tu luc buoc vao can nha den gio chi co minh toi va chiec may hut bui thoi. Toi dau co thay Ted. The nhung cai y nghi do bien di mat truoc 1 nui cong viec cho toi truoc mat. Vi can nha kha rong nen toi ton nhieu thoi gian de hut bui tham va lau chui lai 1 so do dac trong nha. Can nha cu nhu it khi duoc su dung, co nhieu cho bui bam da lau ngay lam toi cam thay ki la. Toi buoc vao toilet de tiep tuc cong viec cua minh. Bong nhien toi cam thay rung minh. Hinh nhu toi nua moi dap lai cai gi no dang chuyen dong. Khong the tin duoc 1 con cho mun Duc. No map den muc nam dui ca 4 chan cua no. Toi cu tuong do la tam tham lot trong toilet nen cu the dap len. Toi cu nghi no se can toi roi. Co lan, toi nghe dua ban cung phong noi rang giong cho mun Duc rat la hung du. Toi rat so va da san sang tu the bo chay. The nhung con cho long den do chi dung len nang ne, khit khit danh hoi toi 1 cai va bo di sang phong khac. Hanh dong cua no hoi la so voi 1 giong cho san o Duc hay la dua ban do doa toi nhi? Toi thu keu no: "Ted". No chi quay mat lai nhin toi 1 cai roi ngap. Toi tho phao. The la tim ra duoc Ted o trong list lam viec roi.
Cuoi cung toi cung hoan thanh cong viec lau don cua minh. Liec wa lan nua list viec cua nguoi chu giao cho. Toi con phai tuoi cay va cham soc cho Ted.
Ted la 1 con cho that ki la. No binh than hon so voi 1 con cho binh thuong. Khong co gi lam cho no ngac nhien ngay ca 1 nguoi la nhu toi. Duong nhu chu nhan cua no noi cho no biet truoc ve toi vay. Va Ted con la mot con cho chay rat khoe va an rat nhieu. No khong bao gio gay ra nhieu tieng dong trong nha. Toi tuong tuong no nhu 1 ong lao thich yen tinh va co 1 cuoc song yen binh. Cuoc song cua no trong can nha nay co phan trai nguoc so voi chu nhan cua no. Con 2 chau bonsai thi trong nho be vo cung so voi cai phong khach rong nhu vay. Trong chung that la lac long.
Sau khi xong viec, toi de lai 1 to note cho chu can nha:
"Toi mong la ong hai long voi ket qua cong viec cua toi
Chuc ong buoi toi vui ve"
Hom sau, toi nhan duoc 1 cu goi tu cong ty tim viec lam bao rang chu nhan can nha lan truoc toi toi quet don da quyet dinh nhan toi lam viec. Va the la cong viec 15AUD/hour cua toi bat dau vao moi 4 gio hang tuan vao 5 ngay trong tuan. Moi ngay la 1 list cong viec khac nhau.
Toi bat dau lam nhung cong viec lat vat cho nguoi chu nhu di sieu thi mua mot so do dung va thuc an, ra tiem giat ui lay quan ao, mang 1 so vat dung dem di sua. Dong thoi, toi cung lam theo 1 co yeu cau hoi la cua chu ngoi nha. Cu cach 2 tuan vao moi ngay co nang, toi lai dem sach ra phoi. Nguoi chu ngoi nha nay qua la mot nguoi co nhieu sach. Cong viec dem sach ra phoi roi lai cat vao xem ra con met nhoc hon toi tuong. Toi con tam rua va chai long cho Ted vao moi thu 4 hang tuan. No xem ra rat thich duoc tam tap nhu the. That la thu vi doi voi 1 con cho nhu no. Ve nhung tuan sau nay, Ted van hay di theo toi trong khi toi dang quet don. Luc dau thi toi hoi kho chiu 1 chut. No cu nhu la dang xem xet toi nhung sau do toi cam thay quen voi su co mat cua no. Toi nghi chac no can toi thi dung hon. No di theo toi nhu 1 cai duoi va co gang khong lam vuong ban den cong viec cua toi. Toi nghi no qua la 1 con cho thong minh va tinh cam. Nhieu luc, toi tu hoi khong biet nguoi chu cua no la nguoi nhu the nao.
Cho den bay gio, hai thu duy nhat ma giup toi cam nhan mot chut ve nguoi chu nha la qua Ted va dong sach khong lo cua nguoi do. Nhung cam giac van con rat la lo mo, khong ro rang. No giong nhu nhung hat mua. Cu ngo la se nam bat duoc no nhung khi cham den ban tay am ap thi lai vo tan.
Cho den mot ngay nguoi chu de lai 1 to note noi rang toi co the o lai den 9 gio toi ngay thu 6 toi vi anh ta co 1 so viec rieng rat quan trong can giai quyet. Anh khong muon con cho o nha 1 minh den luc do. Ki la! Nguoi chu nay coi cho nhu 1 dua con nit can duoc cham nom va bao ve trong khi doi voi toi no nhu 1 ong gia rat la tung trai. Du sao thi anh ta cung da de nghi tra them tien ngoai gio cho toi nen toi da chap nhan loi yeu cau.
Hom thu 6 do, toi ket thuc cong viec cua minh som. Mot minh voi 1 con Ted, toi cam thay can nha that trong trai. Toi cam giac hoi lanh leo co the la do can nha qua lon. Con Ted nam ke ben toi im lang va binh than truoc cai cam giac kho chiu cua toi doi voi su rong lon cua can phong khach. Toi mo tivi de xem 1 so tin tuc buoi chieu. That buon chan. Toi co the tuong tuong duoc cai canh nguoi chu cung con Ted trai qua 1 dem tren ghe sofa voi cai tivi mo nham chan. Con Ted hinh nhu cung dong tinh voi toi ve suy nghi nay. No nam ue oai va ngap dai sau ban tin tuc buoi chieu. Toi tuoi it nuoc cho 2 chau bonsai gan do roi vao trong bep luc tim 1 it thuc an. Cung may la toi co mua them 1 it chip cho minh neu khong thi chang co gi de an ngoai thuc an cua Ted. That la, nguoi chu chi nho toi mua nuoc khoang trong chai, coffee va 1 it trai cay, khong he co 1 thu do an nao khac cho ban than. Toi nghi rang co the anh ta an chay hoac qua ban ron de an o nha. Can nha chac chi la noi di ve de ngu ma thoi. Toi nhin con Ted va tham cam thay toi nghiep cho cuoc song cua no. The roi, toi quyet dinh lam 1 bua an toi. Toi cam thay can bep can duoc su dung vi no da o day qua lau ma khong biet minh phai lam gi. Mua nhanh mot so thu vat lieu va toi lam pasta cho bua toi. Toi nau nhieu va pack mot it trong hop de vao tu lanh. Co le la do thoi quen cua toi moi lan nau an. Toi an mot it va cho con Ted an mot it. No co ve khoai mon nay lam. That la 1 con cho ki la.
9 gio 30 toi, anh ta van chua ve. Con Ted hinh nhu da ngu. Toi nghi la da den luc toi nen ve. Toi de lai 1 to note:
"Toi ve day. Toi co nau pasta va de 1 it trong tu lanh
Toi mong anh khong phien vi toi da su dung nha bep cua anh
Con Ted co ve thich pasta hon may mon trong hop do.
Cuoi tuan vui ve "
Roi ngay thu 2 cung den. Toi lai bat dau cong viec quet don voi nhung yeu cau thay doi hang ngay cua chu nha, dai khai thi van la quet don. Nhung lan nay trong list lam viec co 1 cai p/s. " Cam on co da nau cho Ted an. Pasta rat ngon". Toi cam thay vui trong long. Toi co cam giac anh va toi da co the noi cai gi do khac ngoai cong viec ra. Coi nhu anh chi noi loi xa giao cam on nhung toi cung thay cong viec hang ngay nay cua toi it buon chan hon truoc.
Con Ted co ve vui ve hon truoc. No khong con di cai tuong ong gia nua. Bay gio no bat dau biet mung ro chao toi khi toi den. Giong nhu la no moi duoc thay chan hay ghep tim gi do. Cai tuong gia nua cua no da duoc thay the bang cai ve hoi tinh nghich kieu tre con. Du sao thi day cung la dieu hay ho.
Rieng toi cam thay can nha duong nhu co chut sinh khi hon. No thoang cho toi chut cam giac day la can nha that su chu khong phai la mot cai hotel.
Thinh thoang toi van nau mot so mon don gian. Con Ted thi van luon nem thu dau tien va co ve thich. Toi cung mong la mon an cua toi khien cho con Ted vui len ti cung giong nhu chu cua no.
To be continued...

Friday, June 26, 2009


'IS IT LOVE?'. Your heart beats extremely fast, your hand is sweaty and you talk like a stutterer. You may just like not love. You can not keep your eyes and hands away from someone. It may not love but lust. You are eager and proud to show someone to your friends. Well, it could be just your luck, not love. You want someone because you know they will be with you. It is because you are lonely. You come to someone because you know that what they want. It is your faithfulness not your love. You can not leave someone because you don't want to hurt them. So that is from your pity. You forgive their fault besause you care for them. This is friendship not love. You tell them that they are the first one you think of everyday. You just lie. You are willing to give them what you like for their benefit. You are simply kind.
You feel painful when you see them cry. You love them. You stay right next to them because you want to share every moment of your life with them. You are in love. And you are willing to give them your heart, your life and your death. You love them.
True love is really hard to achieve but there are many feeling "so-called love" existing. Like someone say you have to kiss many frogs before your prince ( or maybe princess).

Tuesday, June 16, 2009


Have you ever been in autumn of north Vietnam ? I love the way that the autumn wind of my hometown blows in everything of nature. It dyes all natural-beings in completely different colours.
When the autumn comes, the sky turns into such a pure blue that you may think that you can dive into. The dark heavy cloud of the summer rain has to yield to the white soft "candy floss" of the autumn. When the wind blows, you can feel a cool and fresh air replacing for the hot and muggy afternoons of summer. The sun is just a soft light It shines the golden leaves falling down. I just wondered it is because of the colour of the sun on the leaves or the leaves lifting up the sunlight. Fall is not cold and cheerless like Winter, hot and muggy like Summer or limp and listless like Spring, but mild and pure. In Fall, i love diving in the deep blue sky, following the strip of sunlight, tasting the smell of falling leaves mixing with soil, breathing the fresh air in the early morning. Have you ever try all these before? If yes, you can understand how addictive they are. If not yet, you just simply give them a try otherwise you would miss the precious present of nature.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Try to understand me, at least...

Don't ever try to comapre yourself with other people. Why? Well, i think that everyone is valuable and unique. Don't ever try to define your aim to live basing on what is believed to be an important standard. Well, again you the one who know what is important to you, right! Why do people always like to put things on a scale and compare???

Friday, June 12, 2009


With one word,you can have this world. But with this word, you can lose everything. With it, you can do whatever you want and become whoever you like. With it, you can abolish anything that you wish it would not happened. However, you can feel regret at what you did with this word. What is that word,anyway? What is the word that can make the dream, the desire come true? What is this word that can also turn everything into nothing? It is simply "If".Just with "If", there are a lot of supposition given and a lot of happening followed. We have no idea why people have created "if". Maybe, it gives them a chance to dream, to hope and to believe. Meanwhile, "If" eventually can make them feel regretful after all when they think about what they have done. But I'm not tend to find out what happened in the past with our ancestors. My point is to let everyone know about the true meaning of "If" and somehow help our to figure out a way to live successfully. Actually, you may notice that "If" clause sometimes just appears in our statement. It doesn't exist in past, present and even future. Although this is the true, people can not cross out "If" in their sentences of life. So, WHY DOES "IF" APPEAR?
Maybe, we just hold the BIG question for a little bit later. Let's just see what we can do with "If" in some of my stories. My friend told me that there is a pretty funny statement in French. It's like " With 'If', you can put Paris into a bottle"( very sure that my friend is total French). Personally, this is quite riddiculous. However, we don't know what will happen tomorrow. C'est la vie! Also, people always want to be incredible to do everything. Once, I asked my friend Alev what she would do if she could become anything she likes. Surprisingly, this question took her fancy. She wanted to become:
If I could become a month, I would be January Because it's a new beginning. If I could become a day of week, I would be Friday Because I could work and play for the rest of the day and wake up late tomorrow. If I could become an object, I would be a shoe Because shoes have to be in pair, right! If I could become a vegie, I would be tomato Because tomato is still tomato even being read back to front. If I could become an element, I would be O2 Because everyone must breath to live. If I could become a kind of liquid, I would be water Because it's essential for the life. If I could be a plant, I would be a cactus Because it can bring green living to every desert.
She gave me a list! How about you with this word "If"?
With "If" you can make a world by yourself. And with this word, you also lose your important things. It is a story of two sprouts. Once, a sprout wanted to shoot from the top soil. But, its friend did not like this idea and it thought how dangerous the world above the top soil is. It could be stepped on or pulled up. Inside the soil, it can be protected and kept warm. Because of these thinkings, it remained sleeping in the ground and saw its friend growing from the top soil. One day, a hen went to the garden. It searched for food and it found the sprout. Of course, you can guess the rest. The point is " don't raise hens in free range". I'm just kidding. Sometimes, people give themselves many questions about future and become hesitative. In fact, being careful is quite good. However, the point is we cannot predict the result while we haven't done anything in present. In real life, chance hardly turns up twice. We have to take it as possible as we can. In spite of some unsuccess, we at least can learn from what we fail.
Back to our BIG question " WHY DOES 'IF' APPEAR ?"
What are you going to do with "If"? I guess it is like a wish or a chance or a "time -machine". For instance, when you got a bad mark in the exam, you thought that it would had been better if having been re-done. When you made a mistake while working, you wish that you had a chance to make it perfect. When you made your boyfriend or girlfriend hurt, you wish that you haven't had done this. Let's think the realistic case of "If". Do you think that it is possible to go back into time and fix your mistakes? Some people like to live with past, some live in supposition, other live realistically. Personally, I don't believe in supposition or 'If' clause. I think of the past but not living with the past. I have read an interesting book which focuses on helping reader to live better. The author suggests his readers to keep their past, present and future seperately, keep past and future aside and just live for present. Because past can not be changed and future can not be reliable, why we have to worried about these 'mission impossible'. Only present is what we live in and we can use lesson from past to do for present and get better for future. We can do our best to make our dream come true or repair everything perfectly for future and we don't need to use 'If'. So, what is the meaning for the appearance of 'If'?
Everytime you give yourselves a thought of 'If', you actually acknowledge your mistakes. As a result, you can prevent them or even improve them in future. 'If' gives you time to look at yourselves and find out your true-self in this life.
This writting has used some reference from

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Remember... Memorize...& Forget
Someone use blog as an online diary to keep their thoughts, their feelings.
Somebody use 'Facebook', 'Bebo'... to keep the world remembering of their appearance, their present.
Some use cell fone to memorize.
I could be in that rare group.
I like to look at old text message and recall the memory. Sometimes, I delete messages of reminding, working, task, appointments to save some place in my fone memory for 'so-called unimportant' messages.
I still keep his messages for more than 2 years. Although I have changed my cell fone, I still keep the old one which has all his texts. I smile at some and cry while reading some.
It has been 2 years already. I can't remember his face, his smell clearly. Or maybe I try to forget all of them. He left me behind. Only thing that belongs to him is his messages. They remind me of his voice, his favourites. They reminds me that he was to be.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Winter of Melbourne

Melbourne bay gio dang lanh leo trong con gio mua dong.
Mua dong o Melbourne khong trang xoa boi tuyet phu.
Mua dong o Melbourne mo dan trong nhung con mua bat chot va dai dang.
Mua dong o Melbourne thoi bay mai toc roi boi nhung con gio se lanh
"Melbourne has been blew by the winter's wind.
Winter of Melbourne is not dyed white from the snow.
Winter of Melbourne has been fading out in sudden rains which last in such a long hour.
Winter in Melbourne slips into soft hair of someone and then hides the smell of the teardrops from the sky."
Toi da nhe nhang buoc di trong cai khong khi nay duoc 2 nam roi.
Doi luc khao khat mot vong tay am ap de nuong tua trong nhung ngay mua lanh.
Doi luc can mot bua com nong hoi cho toi trong moi ngay hoc met nhoai.
Toi ghet gio va mua Melbourne. Toi yeu con gio trong lanh o que nha. Toi yeu con mua mat lanh sau nhung ngay he nong nuc.
Toi khong thich nhung con gio to va manh o Melbourne. No trong that la dang so.
Toi khong thich con mua o Melbourne. Mua o Melbourne lanh buot va dai dang.
Toi nho nha biet la bao nhieu